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5 reasons why Commercial Landscaping is beneficial for Corporates

5 reasons why Commercial Landscaping is beneficial for Corporates

Landscaping is when trees and plants are planted artistically to create an area of beauty. No one can deny those aesthetics and visual appeal are important. Landscaping can be expensive so is it worth investing in? If we assume landscaping as an indirect form of marketing then we can achieve what logos and taglines can’t. Here are 5 benefits of commercial landscaping:

  1. Commercial landscaping increases the visual appeal of the office building and attracts more customers.
  2. Other than attracting customers, an aesthetically pleasing office can entice customers to spend more. A customer is impressed not only by the goods and services offered by the company but also by its upkeep.
  3. A study conducted by The University of Exeter found that employees surrounded by nature and natural landscapes showed a significant drop in stress-related complaints. The participants’ productivity improved and they showed a 40% increase in work environment satisfaction.
  4. Natural landscapes show the company’s adoration for the environment. Many clients prefer companies which are eco-friendly.
  5. For companies looking for privacy, plants can provide a green cover for the building and add a bit more security to your business.

To keep availing of these benefits, maintenance of the landscape is also necessary. A professional and experienced team of gardeners can lessen the burden on the company. Custodian can help you with that. Our team of seasoned professional gardeners will keep your landscape prim and proper. Contact us to know more.

Commercial Landscaping

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