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8 Amazing Cleaning Hacks That Will Save You Time and Money

Cleanliness is an important part of our lifestyle. Some of us even like to take cleaning to a whole new level by making every surface of our house as reflective as a mirror. Here are some time and money-saving cleaning hacks for you, so before adding expensive cleaning products to your kart please read about the list of the products mentioned below.
Vinegar is your best friend:

A vinegar solution works for literally every household cleaning. It kills unwanted stains, from washing windows to disinfecting surfaces vinegar is the one-man army. But be careful and don’t use vinegar on hardwood, stone or granite as the acetic acid present in it can destroy these surfaces.

Embrace the power of Citrus:

Lemon juice and zest are very powerful cleaning ingredients and definitely capable of doing more than garnishing salad. Lemon juice is acidic and it helps you to remove stain from other acids.

Helpful Baking Soda:

Regular kitchen stains can be removed with the help of lukewarm water and sponge. Some stubborn stains should be removed with the help of baking soda.

Make Laundry your secret weapon:

There are several items that can be reused more than once before going for laundry like jackets, jeans, t-shirts, etc. Make a list of items that need regular wash and list of items that can be washed after two or three uses. Be more organized with your laundry schedule.

Pet Proof Furniture:

Our furry friends don’t clean up after creating a mess. With the help of baking soda and lint of brush minimize odour and hair at your place throughout the year.

Kill Germs with your Dishwasher:

Use dishwashers that have lemon extract in it to kill germs in your dishes. Make sure you are choosing non toxic products as a dishwasher.

Spot clean appliances:

Appliances like refrigerator, microwave and gas oven tend to get dirtier and they need extra cleaning. Keep your cleaning army of three baking soda, vinegar and ammonia ready for all those extra work.

Value your vacuum:

Your vacuum definitely can do more than just cleaning carpets. Utilize its abilities by cleaning fan blades and back of the refrigerator with it.

Lastly, there are household items that can be used in cleaning our home. So as it was said don’t work hard, work smart! Spend less money and time in cleaning your home with these amazing hacks.

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